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“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Hello, my name is Jasmine Gilbert and I am a Dietitian at Vanderbilt University. I chose to become a Dietitian after a series of career exploration trips in high school. I've always known my career would be science-based, however, after two (2) hospital job shadows, I discovered dietetics. The NICU Dietitian was in rounds on the day of one of my job shadows and I had a ton of questions for her. It was at this time that I decided that I wanted to become a Dietitian. It wasn't until the post-grad dietetic internship that I realized Sports Nutrition was going to be my path. It had everything I was looking for in that every day is different and it's never dull. With every team you work with there are different needs and struggles. This environment is dynamic and can be a ton of fun. This job allows me to help athletes reach their goals and change their outlook on nutrition.

Body image awareness and embracing our bodies for all they do is something important to me. These topics' popularity has increased greatly over the past few years, which is amazing to see. Our bodies do so much for us, even the small things that people take for granted should be celebrated. We have to be thankful that our bodies are able to support us and beyond that some women’s bodies allow them to excel at sports at the collegiate level. My journey with body image has fortunately been very positive. There are always moments where you can get down on yourself, but I was raised in a household where body positivity was emphasized and celebrated. This positive mindset has allowed me to uplift those around me and instill these values in others. The impact I can have on others especially with female colligate athletes is an aspect of my job that I love and find exceptionally rewarding.

The increase in awareness and exposure to different body types can be beneficial specifically to women since it normalizes the shape/ body type and allows them to see others who look like them. This may seem small but with the large separation in the way the media portrays women and what most women look like, it makes it extra important to show all body types. As a woman, it can feel like there is a lot of pressure to be perfect and that’s just not realistic. One of my favorite quotes from President Theodore Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” This helps to remind me that we are all on our own journeys. If I spent all day comparing myself to others, I would be wasting time that I could just be happy. So try and think of that next time you are on Instagram looking at the highlight reel of someone’s life or having a particularly low self-esteem day. When you accept your body for all it can do regardless of how you look it can be empowering. I want every woman to have this kind of confidence and acceptance. It can change your life.


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